Become an Affiliate

Thank you for being a fan of LoveSteady and for your interest in joining our Affiliate Program! As a brand ambassador, you are an integral part of spreading the word about LoveSteady and sharing our mission with your followers, clients and/or patients. 

Please review the requirements below and apply to the program that best fits you.

Email with any questions.

Health Professionals


-This program is designed for health professionals (e.g., PTs, midwives, lactation consultants) who are looking to provide their clients with in-office  samples and/or share our products in a professional setting. 

-Approved health professionals will receive an affiliate link and a discount code to give to their clients. When the referral code or link is used, affiliate will receive 10% commission in store credit which can be used to purchase products from our store. Purchased items can be used for samples, giveaways, gift packages, etc.


✔️ Affiliate must work directly with clients on a regular basis.

✔️ Affiliate agrees to maintain LoveSteady quality standards when displaying products in their office and when sharing on social media outlets.

✔️ Affiliate may be asked to reapply annually.

✔️ Note: If you are a physical therapist or other health professional who is interested in being a part of our PT directory and/or receiving early notification about PT-specific launches, please visit this page.

Content Creators


-This program is designed for LoveSteady customers who are actively and regularly sharing their prenatal and/or postpartum journey on a public social media page either personally or professionally as an influencer. 

-Participants of this program will be given an affiliate link and a discount code for their followers to use when purchasing LoveSteady products. When the referral code or link is used, affiliate will receive 10% commission in store credit.


✔️ Affiliate must be following @lovesteadyco on Instagram.

✔️ Affiliate must be a current LoveSteady customer.

✔️ Affiliate must have a public social media account.

✔️ Affiliate may be asked to reapply annually.